Editing 101

Post number two in my ‘Tips for Getting Published’ series. This one is huge. Editing. If you already have a super polished manuscript, and are very confident in your editing skills, then feel free to skip this post. However, if you are like me and could always learn more tips, I hope some of the […]

New Series Part one: Why Blog?

  So I’m starting a new series: Tips for Getting Published. Post #1: why blog?   Well first. What is blogging? That can be different depending on the blogger. You could have a photo blog to showcase recent works. Or business website, where you blog about tips and tricks on the side. There are motivational […]

Angel Process

Recently I did a work using Sketchbook Pro on my mac, that was an image of a girl with wings or an angel. I didn’t look at any other pictures, so I must apologize in advance, for her wings are no where near being anatomically correct to any bird. So if you are an avian […]

Grade 12 Epiphanies

So guess what guys. I’m in grade 12. More specifically… the last semester of grade 12. Pretty crazy right? And I know everyone says life just gets faster and faster as you go through it, and one day – bam – you’re old. But man, it’s already going fast. Yesterday I was starting my first […]

Determination, and Why it Plays with Procrastination and Perfection

Here’s another post in my write tips series. This is going to be number four. And actually, it’s not going to be about how to technically improve your writing, but how to help you in improving your writing. This relates to exams as well, I found, and so it falls right around that time of year. My […]