A Christmas Collection of Crafty Things

Today is the last day before the break guys! Yay!!! We made it! And this is going to be an awesome two weeks off. Now you might be wondering what to do with all your amazing time off… right? I know I know. You just don’t even know what do with the time off!  ; […]

The Death of ‘Said’

My next writing tips post is on dialogue. This is a huge topic for writers, as it can be very challenging to come up with witty, emotional, and yet realistic conversations between two fictional characters. Luckily, there’s an easy place to start, and that is with ‘said’. This is the most simple dialogue tag in […]

Never Use These Five Words in Your Writing

Ever wonder why some stories just grabbed your attention, held onto it, and wouldn’t let it go, even long after the book was done? Those were the books that you couldn’t put down at three in the morning. They made you laugh and cry, and desperate to get the next one in the series. You […]