Hey all, so for the next little bit, Hannah, Lauren, and I are going to work on making something traditionally very high tech in a low tech and very inexpensive manner.
Overall cost to make our projector: $3 If you buy one… get one free
However, this is even more inexpensive if you have supplies on hand.
Brainstorming an Idea:
Before deciding on a projector, we had a couple of other ideas:
- A shower microphone
- A selfie stick
- Camera Lense
- Docking station
- CD player
- Webcam
- Record Player
All of these were interesting, but we ended up deciding on trying to make a home projector. We did some research and found a website that would help us out with this task: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/build-smartphone-projector-from-shoebox/ (This website suggested using a lens, but in effort to fulfil the requirements of the project to make a very low tech version of a high tech device, we decided to use a magnifying glass instead)
The process looked easy enough so we went out to collect our materials.
- shoebox (black inside, or something to make it black)
- phone (smartphone)
- paperclips
- exacto knife (we ended up just using scissors)
- pencil
- tape
- scissors
- magnifying glass (1.00 at the Dollar-store)
This was the end of meeting one, and we planned a date to meet up again and put our project together.