Reading, Oh the Blessed Joy…

No two persons ever read the same book. ~Edmund Wilson I so whole heartedly agree! Books are so many things. They are worlds to get lost in. They are messages about the world, life, and love to ponder and cherish. They are examples, and warnings. They encourage us to find the hero in ourselves, and […]

Of Comfy Chairs, Books, and Other Things…

To say that tonight is a silent night, would be a lie. To say it is a quiet one is more near the truth. The elms and evergreens outside are basked in shadows, and yet they are full of life. Late summer breezes blow through their branches, lifting the soft chirping of the crickets high […]

Back From Camp

Camp. Now that’s a word that has a bunch of different meanings. To some, it means going camping out in the woods. To others, it means making a tent out of a sheet in the living room and watching discovery channel. To others, it means heading up to the cottage. And to still others, it […]

My Europe Trip: Day One and Two

Hello all! Where to begin… Oh I know. The … well… long flight here. Seven hours beside my not so well brother, and not one wink of sleep. Fun. Lets hope that getting there isn’t actually half the journey, because getting there wasn’t all that great. Our flight was from 10:00pm Canadian time, until 10:15am, […]

Realism in The Bible

I wrote an article for the student run magazine/blog the Alethian. It is a Christian blog that has everything from student’s works, to why apologetics are important to the Christian faith. I wrote an article for them on realism in the Bible. So I thought I would share my little article with you. Here it […]