
School’s fun… for a while. But honestly. Why do they think kids can last for a whole ten months with only a few week breaks in between? It’s unreasonable. I’m exhausted by January, and in May, work just isn’t a thing anymore. Dear School advisors and the directors of the board. Please take into account […]

Europe Trip: The Rest of England, and off to Italy!

So, it’s taken a while for me to continue this journal/diary thing about my Europe trip, and I sincerely apologize. It has just been so busy! Has it really only been a week and a bit since I last wrote? It feels like years ago that we were in London. And yet it wasn’t. Strange […]

The 6 Myths on Why You Shouldn’t Get a Dog

Yes, there are reasons to get a dog, and no, there aren’t many real reasons not to.  The picture to the left is our Labrador-retriever, Lexi. She is waiting for our dad to row back after his fishing trip (that tiny dot on the water is my dad in a canoe). So, you may be […]